Book Review: To Kill A Kingdom

by Alexandra Christo

I kept seeing this book all over the internet so I decided to give it a go. Initially, I was very interested in the plot and it did keep me interested enough to finish. However, I found this book to be overall pretty lackluster.

The plot involved an epic journey that ended in a war (really it was just 1 battle). In my opinion, anytime you have a plot like this it needs at least 3 books. Cramming the entire plot into one fairly short book was a huge injustice to this story and as a result, both the love story and the main character’s growth felt ingenuine. I simply didn’t believe the main characters’ love for each other AND I didn’t believe such a huge change in the heroine’s personality. It felt like she was a completely different person in the last chapter than she was the first; and the storyline just wasn’t enough to explain such a drastic change.

Lastly, the ending was TOO happy of an ending… the world had become a completely new place and there were no major sacrifices that made this happen. It felt like it was too easily earned and because of that I just couldn’t appreciate it.

All and all, I would not recommend this book.

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