Sense and Sensibility

by Jane Austin

Wow, I see why this is a classic. I could absolutely relate to the story and characters.

I think all young girls dream of finding their first love, having a whirlwind love affair and living happily ever after. Sadly, that’s rarely the case. However, when given the chance to look back on my first love and any boyfriends after that, I’m so glad they didn’t work out, I can see clearly now all the ways we were wrong for each other and because of that I’m able to appreciate what I have with my husband so much more.

I loved reading this book and watching the characters (mainly Marianne) fall head over heels in love only to have her heart broken. I was her in those moments, but what I loved most of all was watching her pick herself up, continue to be vulnerable, and find love again.

I felt completely connected to both sisters, Elinor as the woman I am today and Marianne as the girl I used to be. I loved watching Marianne navigate her first love and heartbreak. It reminded me of myself at that age, firm in my believes (however misguided), free and vulnerable with my emotions, and a little bit selfish; and to see her experience these trials through Elinor’s eyes was like being able to watch my younger self. Elinor’s thoughts were the things I wish I could tell my younger self, or even scold her with; but of course, Elinor holds her tongue, and so would I if given the chance, because some things have to be experienced and worked through by yourself. I would never have listened to any one tell me I was making a mistake when I was younger (to be honest I’d probably have a hard time hearing it now). Being able to witness the consequences of my actions, that’s what caused me to grow into the adult I am. I absolutely loved watching Marianne go from girl to woman. This was a beautiful coming of age story for her.

This books was beautiful and worthy of all the praise it has received. I can’t wait to see what else Jane Austin has in store for me.

Pride and prejudice is next, or maybe Emma, I can’t decide.

Stay tuned.

Sense and Sensibility

by Jane Austin

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