What got you into reading?

How I became a Reader…

Maybe becoming a reader was a gradual transition for many of you but for me it was one book… Twilight.

I know, I know… I’m a cliché. I’m sure you’re laughing at me right now. But it’s the truth, and I won’t lie to you readers, even though I really want to.

I was in middle school at the time and I remember seeing everyone holding that black book with the red apple on the cover and thinking that I was SOOO much cooler than them because I wasn’t a trend follower.

Then, one day, I came home from school and I saw my mom reading it!

She would sit in the living room while I did my homework and about every 5 minutes she would make some kind of noise: a laugh, a gasp, some comment, etc... And of course, I would asked her “What?!?”, and she would always respond, “nothing” or, “you wouldn’t get it”.

After this went on for a few days, I was fed up! I told her I wanted to read twilight.

Her response… “Okay. But I don’t think you’ll like it.”

If I wasn’t determined to read it before, I certainly was after that comment.

I devoured those books like a bowl of pasta after a seven day juice cleanse. I think I re-read the entire series about five times. After that, I was addicted. My mom just kept buying me books and I kept reading them.

It wasn’t until years later that I realized my mom had manipulated me, and boy am I glad she did. Who knows where I’d be without Twilight. What would I do with all my free time if I wasn’t a reader?

So, tell me readers, what got you into reading?

- Bree

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