The Mortal Instruments

In high school I was obsessed with this series! Naturally, I wanted all my friends to read them too, so I would lend my set out to people who were interested. One of my then “friends” held them hostage for over a YEAR and when he finally returned them the cover page and half the body of one book was bent! Needless to say, I stopped being friends with him after that and I’m still holding a grudge.

If that doesn’t tell you how good these books are, I don’t know what will.

Did I mention the main characters hunt demons?

Fun side note: any Harry Potter Fans reading this might be interested to know that this series actually started out as Harry Potter Fan Fiction with Drako and Ginny who eventually transformed into the main characters in this book, Jace and Clary.

Mortal Instruments.png

Book 1: City of Bones

by Cassandra Clare

Book 2: City of Ashes

by Cassandra Clare

Book 3: City of Glass

by Cassandra Clare

Book 4: City of Fallen Angels

by Cassandra Clare

Book 5: City of Lost Souls

by Cassandra Clare

Book 6: City of Heavenly Fire

by Cassandra Clare

Read about my other young adult (YA) novel recommendations HERE

Bree Bailey